How I Might Be Viewed Abroad
Stereotypes about an American abroad

The Global Scholar Course wants me to explain to my host parent that I am not rich because the website says that most foreigners assume all Americans are like the people on TV. I believe that this is a stereotype in itself to assume that everyone across the world thinks that every American is rich. The european dollar is already worth more than the US dollar. But if my host parent(s) did think that I was very wealthy because I am from America this is what I would say:
"My family is a middle class family. My dad works in oil and my mom is a stay at home parent. The US dollar is not even worth a full dollar in Europe. I have to work a job to receive money or apply for scholarships to have spending money. I am lucky enough to have parents that will also give me money to help me travel and eat out. The daily life in America is more expensive which is a strain on me and I am thankful to have a relatively cheaper life in Europe, besides the traveling I do."