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Top Ten Reasons to Study Abroad

Writer's picture: Jessica TannJessica Tann

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

My personal top 10 reasons why you should study abroad!

1. Personal Development

If you know me, you know how much of a homebody I am, but with this program, you are encouraged (almost forced) to go explore. You can discover the curiosity and excitement that harbors inside yourself.

“Study abroad is the single most effective way of changing the way we view the world” – Chantal Mitchell

2. Learn a New Language

What better way to learn a language than being immersed in it 24/7? Sure you can learn a language in class but going straight into the culture makes you practice and learn the REAL language, slang included.

3. See the World

Yes, I know this is a no-brainer, but seriously how cool?! Most people travel for a week or two (sometimes even less) in a different country but you get to LIVE in a different country. Not to mention that before this study abroad trip I had never seen Europe!

4. Networking

Not only will you have linked with people close to where you live, but now you are linked with people across the world. Most job opportunities will come from whom you know, not what you know.

5. Cost

Now, this is a tricky one to talk about. Here are the secrets no one is telling you about studying abroad. People WANT you to see the world, your college especially. There are so many scholarships and programs where you finical aid transfers abroad. If you have your parents paying for your school even better, free(ish) trip to see the world while getting an education!

6. If Not Now, Then When?

For myself signing my commitment application meant to me that no matter how nervous I got I couldn't back out. I know for most people traveling the world sounds great, but when will you do it? Will you keep pushing it off for a "better time"? When do you have more money? When you are a more experienced traveler? Go now, don't wait. Who knows maybe another pandemic might hit and you will never get to see the true world.

7. Resume Builder

Not many people can put down they studied abroad, this makes you stand out in a pile of applicants. It shows you are diverse and accept new challenges while also understanding how different countries work.

8. Find New Interests

You have not even tried everything in the world until you go abroad. You may be a pro at winemaking, the salsa, or even bullfighting (I won't be testing that one)! You don't know until you try.

9. Learn a New Culture

Another no-brainer, but for real this is SO important. Every place does everything differently, you can go to your neighbor's house to understand that. You get to learn new foods, new manners and see how different countries work.

10. Lifelong Friendships

In my junior year of high school my family was able to host an exchange from Italy, Davide. If you were lucky enough to share a conversation with him you know how awesome he was and how lucky my family got. Davide and I are still in contact from across the world and have plans to see each other soon. I look forward to making many more friendships like ours!



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